The Military and Children.
Being a part of the military lifestyle is down right hard in every aspect. The distance, loneliness, stress (just to name a few) can become very overwhelming. Add children into the mix and it becomes even trickier! Getting pregnant and bringing new, little lives into the world is exciting. Whether planned, or a surprise, it's life changing! Of course best case scenario is doctors appointments with your partner, decorating the nursery together, belly rubs and massages, driving to the hospital in a rush when labor FINALLY starts, or anxiously waiting for your scheduled c-section, experiencing the birth together and it forever changing your life. Unfortunately, that's not always the way it happens when you are a military family. Everyone's situation is different, but in my case, I spent my pregnancy alone, had my scheduled c-section with my, absolutely wonderful, mother in the room. Connor's daddy didn't get to meet him for the first time until Connor was 3 weeks old. It was anything but easy doing it without Connor's dad there, but I know I got lucky. I had an amazing support system at home willing to help me with everything and anything I needed. I know that everyone doesn't have the support they need, and I will forever be grateful for the people who helped me when I needed it the most. I can't believe that in less then a month, my then 8 pound baby, will be celebrating his 1st birthday. This past year has been one of the hardest yet most rewarding years of my life. It went by in a blink of the eye, and I never thought I would get to today. As excited as I am for my baby boy to be turning one, I also can't help but to be sad at the same time. I think about all the memories and milestones Connor's dad has missed. I think of all the moments I wanted to rip my hair out and wished his dad was there to give me the much needed break I deserved. I know in the grand scheme of things, one year compared to the rest of our lives isn't that long at all, but Connor will never be a baby again. With that being said, my experience is not all negative. Through everything I have become stronger, learned that I can handle a lot more then I thought I could, and grown as a person. I know the distance isn't permanent, although Connor's dad has missed a lot, we still have our whole lives ahead of us. There will be plenty more memories that we will make together, as a family. Even across the distance, Connor's dad has managed to be an amazing father and role model. Connor will not remember the things that his father missed, but he'll always be proud that his daddy is a U.S Marine! Whether you're partner is home with you, currently deployed, training, stationed in a different state from you, whatever your situation is, being a parent is never easy. Having a child while your partner is in the military is not a walk in the park. There will be tough, frustrating, stressful, exhausting moments, but the joyful, exciting, loving and proud moments you experience will make it all worth it! Keep your head up and be proud to be a Mommy!
<3 B
Lovely & inspiring post, Bethany! Always knew you could do it!! Love you!!