I would like to begin by saying Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Many of us are away from our military man this holiday season, and it is hard knowing they are somewhere else in the world and not right where they belong, the seat next to us at the dinner table. But this year instead of dwelling over our men being gone, we should be extremely thankful. We have dedicated men that are sacrificing their lives, their time and their favorite meal of the year for their loved ones and strangers here in America. Today it was hard to know that K was not here with me, but I also grew extremely thankful. I realized that I am more than thankful and lucky to have someone to love and miss the way I love and miss K. Most importantly, I am thankful for the love and devotion K and I share with one another.
Going off of that, here is a little story from my day I thought I would share:
It is tradition in my family to go around the table and each say something you are thankful for. My mom started. She said "I am thankful for love. There are so many variations of love. There is love I have for each one of you guys (her children), the love I have for God, the love I have for my friends and the love I have for Tom (her boyfriend). The love I have for Tom is a love I have never felt before. He is very special to me and I am more than thankful to have him in both mine and your kids' lives."
After what my mom said I got to thinking, what does being in love mean? It is something we all fell, but is it something that we really know how to define? Everyone will define it differently, so here is my definition of what it means to be in love:
Being in love to me is when nothing else matters but your other half. It is like your world revolves around each other. With each word spoken and each step taken in a relationship you always find a way to progress. No matter how angry they make you, you always find a way to laugh off the anger. No matter how far they are from you, you always find a way to get to them and be with them. The feelings you have for that person are merely impossible to explain in words, and deep down you know no one will ever replace that person and the role they play in your life. Being in love to me means being absolutely ecstatic about every moment life brings because at the end of the day you know the love of your life will always be there to talk, listen and comfort you while you grow old together. Being in love to me means doing everything you can to make your love smile, make them happy, and make them know that you do not want anyone else but them forever. Being in love to me means never being without your love and always carrying them in your heart. It means getting through everything you encounter in your relationship TOGETHER and coming out stronger than you were before. After two plus years, being in love to me means finding your best friend, a person you see in every aspect of your future, and finding the one person that will love you for all your flaws and qualities that are not necessarily appealing to everyone. Finally, being in love means loving your partner just as much as they love you: loving the person they were, the person they are, and the person they will become.
So today, let us be thankful that we have the ability to love, that we are in love, and that we are loved. Let us be thankful that we have a man to share that love with, and let us not doubt the love we share with our military man. Being thankful is one of the best things about the holiday season. Every morning think about something you are thankful for right when you wake up. That way, you start every day this holiday season off with a smile on your face! Carry that smile with you throughout the day! Happy Thanksgiving ladies!
And if you didn't hear from your man today, know he loves you with all his heart and wishes he could have been here with you today.
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